Detuned Harmonic Filter

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The Detuned Harmonic Filter is comprised of a capacitor connected in series of a suitable reactor. The rectifier impedance & capacitor impedances are selected in a fashion that capacitor doesn't tune to the frequencies of harmonics generated by loads & hence its life is increased.

In the case of normal APFC panel, chances are there that capacitors tune to the load harmonics frequencies & hence life of the capacitors reduce. We do provides thorough our power quality Harmonic Testing of the existing system requirement of Power Factor Correction & calculates the required amount of reactor & capacitor to fulfill the system's requirement of a Detuned APFC Panel.
Merits :

  • Apart from maintaining the system power factor to a predefined target like 99%, Detuned APFC Panel prevents capacitors from getting overloaded due to harmonics of the order of 5th & above.
  • Switching current amplification will not happen.
  • Overloading of the system transformer & other rotating equipment will be prevented.

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